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Top 3 Easy Exercises For Long Road Trips To And From Gigs

There’s nothing worse than being stuck in a car. For musicians like you, gigging is the bread and butter of life and is essential in cultivating a fanbase but this means long hours in a small vehicle (probably) with little to no room for manoeuvre (and lots of pins and needles). To help ease the pain and stop your muscles from cramping up we’ve found some super-easy in-vehicle exercises for you to do.

  1. The Ballerina

Heels on foor. Toes pointed up as far as you can. Hold. Toes on floor. Heels raised. Hold. Repeat five times.

  1. The Inquirer

Right ear to right shoulder. Hold. Roll head to the left. Left ear to left shoulder. Hold. Repeat ten times.

  1. The Knees Up

Clasp left knee. Lift to chest. Hold. Clasp right knee. Lift to chest. Hold.

Get your lycra out.


For more weird and wonderful tips to help with sitting for long periods visit For the soundtrack to your fitness routine check out Blast Radio at or via the Tunedin app.

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